Grant Funds to Support Young People
Wetherby District Scouts has two grant funds available to support young people’s scouting activities in the District. As grants are awarded, these funds are topped up to the level of the original donation so the funds are available in perpetuity.
Alice Carr Memorial Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide some financial support for the development of young people in adventurous activity. Examples of things we have funded in the past include a diving course and rock climbing equipment. There is no fixed limit on the amount you can apply for, but grants in the past have typically been for up to £300.
Brian Slack Memorial Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide some financial support to young people when undertaking overseas activities and expeditions. Grants are made to young people from Wetherby District attending international jamborees and applications are welcomed for any other overseas trips.
Application Process
Applications for both funds should be made through the District Chairman for consideration and approval by the District Executive. You don’t need to fill a form in, just tell us briefly what you are applying for and how much financial support you are requesting.