Training FAQs

Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask!

What is Getting Started/Induction training?

These are 3 mandatory and essential training modules that must be completed for all new appointments within 5 months. You cannot hold a full scouting appointment without them.

I’m really busy; can I have more time to complete it?

The District can grant extensions in exceptional circumstances. The induction modules are essential tools for the job and you will not be able to continue in Scouting without them as they cover Safeguarding and Risk assessments.

I’m on the Executive Committee; do I need to do any training?

Yes, you will need to complete module 1, Essential Information for Executive Members.

I’ve done the training module, what is validation?

Validation is where you sit down with a Training Advisor and they discuss your training to ensure you have understood a module. You may be asked to provide evidence to show your learning. Module training cannot be completed without validation. It can take between 5 and 30 minutes to complete validation. The Adult Training Guide contains what criteria you need to validate a module

I’ve done the online e-learning modules for Getting Started. Do I need to have them validated?

Yes. You still need to have a discussion with your Training Advisor to ensure that you have understood the responsibilities of your role. Don’t forget your certificates!

Who is my Training Advisor?

You should have been informed when you were given your appointment of who your Training Advisor is. If you don’t know, then contact your Group Scout Leader or the Local Training Manager for further advice. A regular dialogue with a training advisor is essential for training to go smoothly and they are great at helping and advising on training matters.

Is my Training Advisor is in charge of my training?

No. you are responsible for your own training. The Group Scout Leader needs to ensure that you have completed it. The Training Advisor is there to help you organise your own training and validate it when you have completed it.

I’m an Assistant Section Leader/Section Leader. Do I have to do the Wood Badge Training?

Yes! You have three years to complete your modules. It is essential and mandatory that all Section Leaders and Assistants are fully trained. Your training advisor is there to help you plan your training.

I have my Wood Badge. I don’t need to do any more training, do I?

Yes you do. Each Scouting Leader must do at least 5 hours of ongoing learning EACH YEAR to show that they are keeping up to date with current skills and Scouting trends.

I’m changing roles within Scouting. I don’t need to do any more training, do I?

Yes, you do. You need to ensure that your knowledge and skills are age appropriate for your new role. In some cases, that will mean taking on specific training modules. In others, it may just mean a re-validation with a Training Advisor. Check with your Training Advisor to be sure.

I have skills and qualifications outside of Scouting, do they count?

Yes! A discussion with your TA will determine whether any prior learning counts towards your training modules. Most professional qualifications or experience will count towards your training.

I’m sorry, I can’t do the training. What happens now?

You should talk with your Training Advisor or Group Scout Leader if you are struggling with your training. If you cannot complete the training required for your role in Scouting, then you should consider reducing your role to Sectional Assistant or Occasional Helper, whose training requirements are much less.

Why all this focus on training? It seems like a lot of hard work.

Scouting is about helping, developing and working with young people. Would you be comfortable sending your child to school if the teachers and staff were not trained? Most training can be done on the job, you don’t have to do a course for everything. Training gives you the skills and tools to do your job in Scouting more efficiently and with more confidence. Training with a group of adults is fun! Sharing experiences with like-minded individuals is a benefit of the training programme that cannot be put into words. The main reason why Scouting is so successful and fulfilling for so many people is the QUALITY of the people that volunteer for us. The training helps us maintain that quality.

So where can I found out more about training?

It’s all here

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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