About us
Wetherby District is a thriving rural district that is one of 8 that make up Central Yorkshire Scout County.
It has 14 groups, 3 of which contain 2 sections of beavers, cubs and scouts.
It also has 7 explorer units, and a Young Leader Unit that cater for the age range 14 to 18. There is also a Youth Team led by our Youth Commissioner.
More recently a Network unit has been established those aged between 18 and 25 to allow them to continue their own scouting career even if they are a leader.
The District Team meet regularly to discuss the running of the District and its events and the District Executive meet to discuss business matters.
There is also an Appointments panel that meet monthly to approve all new leaders and oversee reviews completed by Group Scout Leaders.
We also have a Local Training Manager and a team of advisors that offer help and guidance to leaders to complete their training.
Active Support meet regularly, this section allows people to give their time to scouting on a flexible basis and they are also there to support groups when asked.